
I am a 33-year-old mother of the cutest boy in the world, and other than him I am obsessed with Bravo, Rome (all of Italy, really), wine, pasta, and coffee, and talking about/posting pictures on social media of all of the above. (Sounds pretty basic/millennial, but I do not consider myself to be either. It also sounds like I am a “foodie” and wine/coffee snob, which I probably am but try very hard not to be.) I hate revolving doors, mean people, and cars with push-button starts, and I still believe in the no-white-after-Labor-Day-or-before-Memorial-Day rule. Friends (and perhaps enemies?) call me “the garbage disposal” because I finish what they don’t eat. I idolize Audrey Hepburn in every possible way.

This blog came to be shortly after my father died in 2010 because I had a lot to say and nowhere to say it, no one to say it to. I still write about him from time to time, but as more time passes I find it harder and harder to put those feelings into words. These days I focus mostly on book reviews, award show fashion, and anything else that pops into my head. (I used to write a lot of movie reviews and So You Think You Can Dance recaps, but both are now things of the past, it seems.)

Comments on my posts are always welcome, and I am very open to co-blogging opportunities. If you happen to know how I can get paid a whole lot of money to just write in this blog all day every day without having to get up from my couch or out of my leggings, and without having to turn Bravo off the TV, please let me know.


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